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Rhythm of Korea Gala "3rd Ulrim"

Please come and enjoy an evening filled with elegance, evening of dinner, live performance from Stepping Stones, Korean youth Modeumbuk(drumming) team, live raffle event, and as we honor the future generation of young leaders from Korean Culture and Art of Maryland while celebrating our 20th Anniversary.

100% of the proceeds will go to Stepping Stones. Raising up the future generations of young leaders through love of music and performing arts.

Tickets are $80 per person and can be purchased online at

(fee applied), Venmo(Korean Culture and Art of Maryland@kcamd) or in person.

Sponsorship available. Dress to Impress.

Contact info: 443-996-9171, 443-867-0464,

More information coming soon.

메릴랜드 한국문화예술원에서는 징검다리 20주년을 맞이하여 ‘울림 3 Rhythm of Korea’를 기획하여 귀하신 분들의 격려와 성원에 감사하며 모시는 글을 드립니다. 부디 오셔서 다음 세대에게 물려 줄 소중한 유산을 지키고 다듬어 발전시키고자 하는 메릴랜드 한국문화예술원에 많은 격려와 관심 부탁드립니다.


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